Course Request Guide

  • The Course Request Guide (formerly called the Course Selection Guide) contains information about the courses offered at ETHS. You can access course information in the following ways: by academic department course sequences, by a Google document version, by ETHS “Programs of Study”, and by an online searchable catalog.  Each format is accessible on this page.

  • Course Sequences

    View a .pdf version of each academic department’s course sequence. Follow the course titles in each course sequence to navigate directly to information about that course, including the course description, course level, grade level, prerequisites (if any), number of credits, etc.


    Google Document Version
    View a Google Document version of the entire Course Request Guide, including graduation requirements, course level descriptions, industry-recognized certifications, and course descriptions. The Google Document version is organized alphabetically by academic department. The table of contents contains hyperlinks that allow you to navigate directly to each course description. You can also use CTRL-F (the “find” feature) to search this document. This version can be printed.


    ETHS Programs of Study

    View a .pdf version of ETHS Career Pathways Guide, which organizes course information within the following seven career pathways: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Arts and Communication; Finance and Business Services; Health Sciences and Technology; Human and Public Services; Information Technology; and, Manufacturing, Engineering and Trades.


Online Searchable Catalog

  • View the Course Request Guide as a searchable catalog of courses available at ETHS. After selecting the correct “school year,” you can search the entire Course Request Guide by course title, course description keyword, course code, academic department, and/or grade level.

    Course Request Guide revised 11/15/2023