Summer School 2025 - Registration is Now Open
January 24, 2025
Online registration for Summer School 2025 is now open. You can register through the ETHS Web Store. Please review information on the Summer School web page to prepare for an exciting learning experience.
Course Information
Summer School offers a variety of courses for credit. Courses for credit are offered in 13-Day or 26-Day formats. To view a listing of Summer School courses, visit the online Course Request Guide.
Courses are also listed in the ETHS Web Store.
Academic Recovery Courses: All core academic courses required for graduation will be available to students who need to repeat an English, Math, History, Science, or PE course due to a failing grade.
All academic recovery courses will be 26 days (May 28 - July 3).
Summer School 2025: Session Dates and Hours
For information about the incoming freshman course schedule, please visit Summer School for Incoming Freshmen. (June 2 - July 9)
Courses for current ETHS students are offered in 13-day and 26-day formats. (May 28 - July 3)
26-Day Courses begin on May 28 and end on July 3. Classes are scheduled 8:00am-10:30am or 11:05 am-1:35pm. See class descriptions in the Course Request Guide for details.
13-Day Courses will operate in two sessions. Classes are scheduled 8:00am - 1:35pm. See class descriptions in the Course Request Guide for details.
Session 1 (May 28 - June 13)
Session 2 (June 16 - July 3)
Calendar notes: there is no school on Wednesday, June 19 and Friday, July 4.
Driver’s Education
Driver's Education registration will open on March 10. Students interested in Driver's Education must be 15 years+3 months old by May 28, 2025.
Pre-registration. Beginning on February 16, current ETHS students must email their counselor to request to take Driver’s Education during summer session. Selected students will be given additional directions on how to register online for the course.
Fees for Driver’s Education are $70 for registration and $400 for the course.
Lunch is served to students during Summer School. Students will have the option of buying lunch or bringing their lunch. Summer School has a closed campus. Students enrolled in courses for the entire day should expect to stay in the building from 8:00am – 1:35pm.
Attendance Expectations
Students must attend classes daily to meet Illinois guidelines for earning high school credits during the summer. Each summer school day is equal to more than a week of study during the regular school year.
Students will not earn credit if they accumulate too many absences. There are no excused absences during summer school.
The last days of each session (June 13, July 3 and July 9) are required attendance days and are full days of class.
Please review the Summer School Attendance Policy for details and information about tardies.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about Summer School, please call the Summer School Office at 847-424-7950, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm or email me at Visit the Summer School pages of the ETHS website for more details.