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ETHS Hosts Literacy Fest on October 7

September 22, 2023  2:30pm CT


gray and orange rectangular graphic that reads E-Town Community Literacy Fest


Evanston Township High School is hosting the second annual E-Town Community Literacy Fest on Saturday, October 7, from 10:00am-2:00pm. It will be held at the tennis courts at the corner of Church and Dodge. In case of rain, the fest will move to South Cafeteria, near Entrance 2.


This family-friendly event is open to the entire Evanston community. Join Willie Wildkit for fun, games, food, music, free book giveaways, and adventures in literacy! Activities will include a children’s reading circle, poem writing, read-alouds, raffles, and more. Area restaurants will be providing Caribbean food, hot dogs, sweet treats, and vegan delights at the event.


Young, Black & Lit is partnering with ETHS to provide free young adult and children’s books that center, reflect, and affirm Black children. In addition, the ETHS Foundation is offering free bilingual Spanish/English picture books for attendees. And the Evanston Public Library bookmobile will be on site for people to check out books. 


For more information, visit the ETHS website.