Illinois, Oregon, DC Attorneys General Visit ETHS to Discuss Impact of Social Media on Students
May 1, 2024 11:30am CT
Attorneys General Raoul, Rosenblum, and Schwalb with ETHS students and staff.
Evanston Township High School welcomed Attorneys General Ellen Rosenblum of Oregon, Brian Schwalb of Washington, D.C., and Kwame Raoul of Illinois for a discussion on the influence of social media on the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents. As leaders in their respective states, Attorneys General Rosenblum, Raoul, and Schwalb have been steadfast advocates for stronger protections for youth on a variety of topics, including the challenges and dangers of social media.
The April 26th event convened students and educators in an open exchange, delving into the complex challenges posed by social media and exploring avenues through which attorneys general can champion a healthier online experience for youth. Students candidly shared their perspectives and personal experiences with the influence of constant posting and social media influencers on their daily lives.
Attorney General Rosenblum, who grew up in Evanston and counts herself a proud alumna of ETHS, serves as the President of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG). The visit to ETHS was part of the 2024 Attorneys General Spring Symposium held in Chicago.
"It was great to be back at ETHS today and to be joined by my colleagues, IL AG Kwame Raoul and Washington DC AG Brian Schwalb, to meet with such a wonderful group of students," Rosenblum said. "As our offices tackle the many issues presented by the ever-present social media and artificial intelligence, we need to understand the impacts on young people’s well-being and make sure we do a better job of protecting them. What better way than to hear directly from our youth! Thank you for this important opportunity. I could not be prouder to be an ETHS alum!”
In her capacity as NAAG President, Attorney General Rosenblum heads an initiative centered on America's youth, with a focus on addressing the impact of social media. Her initiative has propelled crucial national discussions, policy recommendations, and information dissemination.
Attorney General Raoul has addressed the significant role of social media platforms in the ongoing youth mental health crisis and has taken measures to hold platforms accountable. He has been vocal about the negative impacts caused by social media, leading to low self-esteem and distorted body image.
“We were honored to host Attorneys General Rosenblum, Raoul, and Schwalb for this critical conversation at a time when social media platforms are deeply intertwined with the daily experiences of our students. We were especially proud to welcome Attorney General Rosenblum back to her alma mater,” said Dr. Marcus Campbell, ETHS District 202 Superintendent. “Extensive research underscores the profound impact of social media on youth mental health. We extend our sincere appreciation to Attorneys General Rosenblum and Raoul for their partnership and leadership in fostering a safer and more supportive online environment for students.”
The visit served as a catalyst for ongoing conversations within the ETHS community about promoting positive digital habits.