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Twelve ETHS Students Receive Prestigious NCTE Achievement Award

May 24, 2024  1:00pm CT


NCTE Achievement Winners


Twelve ETHS students were recognized by the National Council of Teachers of English in its annual Achievement Awards in Writing Contest.


This prestigious competition recognizes and encourages excellence in writing among high school students. The writing  is evaluated on expression of ideas, language use, and unique perspective and voice. The following ETHS students have been recognized for their exemplary writing:


Ethan Arnold: First Class

Sadie Corey: Superior

Akina Curley: Superior

Lilian Dicrescenzo: Superior

Ella Gutowski: First Class

Jordan Harvey: Excellent

Corina Li-Caldwell: First Class

Izabella Paracuelles: Superior

Lailah Pryor: Superior

Ethan Ravi: Superior

Sloane Reyes: First Class

Linden Wadsworth: Superior


The Achievement Awards in Writing contest offers four levels of recognition: First Class, Superior, Excellent, and Merit. This year, 633 students from 44 states, Guam, Washington, D.C., as well as from Canada, Greece, Jordan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand, were nominated to participate.


For more information about the NCTE Achievement Awards in Writing, please visit the NCTE website.