Course Request Process
The course request process begins in November of each school year. New this year: ETHS is using *SchooLinks in the course request process. Parents should review and discuss course requests with their students and have them make any changes prior to final counselor meetings, which begin in January.
*Please note: Incoming freshman students follow a different process to request courses. Scroll down to review.
Course Request and Planning Resources
Course Request Process - Incoming Freshmen
Incoming Freshman Course Request Night. In January, incoming freshman students attend Course Request Night to learn more about electives, summer school options, and course requirements. Counselors provide an overview of the course request process, and incoming students make their course requests for freshman year using an online form. Prior to this event, students should discuss their course requests with a parent/guardian and mark these requests on the Course Request Worksheet for Incoming Freshmen. Course requests will be entered online at Course Request Night. Although course requests are prioritized, ETHS cannot guarantee that students will receive their requested courses. For more information visit the Course Request Night page.
Summer School Course Registration. Starting in January, registration for Summer School is open to all students. Visit the Summer School section of the website for details about Summer School deadlines and the registration process.
Placement Meetings. Placement decisions for incoming freshmen are based on the results of the MAP test, recommendations from eighth-grade teachers, grades or measures of academic progress, and current course enrollment. The ETHS placement team meets with middle school representatives to discuss student academic course placement in Humanities, Biology, Math, and World Languages (if necessary). Academic support programs eligibility is also discussed at this time. All final academic course placements are determined by ETHS and will be communicated directly to families, along with confirmation of electives requested via the ETHS Freshman Course Request form submitted in January at Course Request Night. Visit the Course Placement section of the website for details about the course placement and testing process.
Course Change Requests - NO CHANGE REQUESTS AFTER FEBRUARY 5, 2025.
Course Request Confirmation. Course request information will be sent to incoming families again in May to reflect any academic placement changes that occurred based on test score changes after the initial placement process.
Student Schedules for Freshmen. Students in grade 9 who have completed the registration process at ETHS, including proving residency and submitting health documents, will have access to their schedules at Freshman Orientation. Freshmen can view their schedule in Home Access Center (HAC) beginning on the Tuesday following Freshman Orientation at 9:00pm. Freshmen who need assistance accessing their schedule in HAC can go to South Technology Center (S220) on the first day of school beginning at 7:30am. (Freshmen who have not completed the entire registration process will not receive a schedule, will not have access to a schedule in Home Access Center (HAC), and must report to South Study Cafe to complete registration/submit health documents.)
Course Request Process - Grades 9-11
Counselor Educational Planning Sessions. Counselors host educational planning sessions with their current students in grades 9-11 to review the course request process and to review graduation requirements, college admissions and career readiness requirements, course offerings, and procedures for making course requests. Course request information is shared with students during these sessions. Although course requests are prioritized, ETHS cannot guarantee that students will receive their requested courses.
Freshman Course Requests Submission/Review. In January, counselors will meet with students to discuss course requests during small group sessions. Prior to this, students should discuss their course requests with a parent/guardian and indicate those requests in Course Planner in SchooLinks.
Sophomore & Junior Individual Course Request Conferences. Beginning in early January, counselors meet individually with students in grades 10 and 11 to review course requests for the upcoming school year. Individual meetings involve a review of credits toward graduation, a review of course requests (including course levels), and a tailored discussion on how courses relate to academic and career goals. Prior to this, students should discuss their course requests with a parent/guardian and indicate those requests in Course Planner in SchooLinks.
Summer School Course Registration. Starting mid-January, registration for Summer School is open to all students. Visit the Summer School section of the website for details about Summer School deadlines and registration process.
Course Change Requests - NO CHANGE REQUESTS AFTER JANUARY 31, 2025.
Counselor-Approved Summer School Registration. In May, students who were notified and became aware of the need for Summer School at the end of semester exams week can register for Summer School courses. Students must notify their counselor of the course(s) for which they register. Students attending this registration will be able to enroll until the course sections are full.
Student Schedules for Grades 10-12. Students in grades 10-12 can view their schedule in Home Access Center (HAC) following Freshman Orientation. Schedules will not be mailed home. If there are errors in a student’s schedule, contact the student’s counselor. Requests to change schedules due to preferences and/or level changes will not be accepted. A student who does not have a first-period class can go to South Cafeteria at 12:00pm.