Technology Expectations for Students

  • Digital Citizenship and Zoom Guidelines

    Just like a physical classroom, there are expectations for e-learning sessions via Zoom or other technologies. ETHS students are expected to use technology appropriately and practice the 3R’s (Respect for self; Respect for others; Respect for community) during e-learning. Please review the following guidelines for Zoom sessions.

    • The rules of The Pilot handbook apply in e-learning. This includes the student behavior code, acceptable use policy, academic honesty policy and more. 
    • Digital interactions should be school appropriate. Inappropriate behavior is referred to the Deans’ Office.
    • Students may not participate in e-learning anonymously and must use their own names.  Fictional names or screen names or not allowed. Students should use the “Sign in with Google” button to log into applications such as Zoom with their eths202 email accounts. Teachers may remove students from the Zoom if the guidelines are not followed. 
    • Attendance and work must be submitted with the students’ own names. Teachers may use certain applications when discussions require anonymity, but still count for participation.
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Last Modified on August 19, 2020