Verify Student ID Picture
A student ID with a picture is required for students to enter ETHS buildings. If you need to verify that an ID photo is on file with ETHS, follow the directions below.
In order to check if you have a student ID photo on file, you need to access your mobile My Student ID. To access My Student ID:
- Go to
- Log in to myETHS on your mobile device (e.g., phone, tablet, Chromebook).
- On a Chromebook, click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen; or on your phone or tablet, click the toolbar (three lines) and then click on your name.
- Click My Student ID (you may need to scroll down).
Your student ID photo will appear where Willie Wildkit is located in the screen image above. If your photo is missing on your My Student ID, please go to the ID Center to have a photo taken.