Acceptable Use Policy

  • Purpose and Philosophy

    The primary use of District Technology resources shall be for the purpose of education, research or district business or activities related to the pursuit of these activities. All users of District Technology must comply with the District’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), as amended periodically. These policies apply equally to all District Technology including, but not limited to: network services, hardware, software, and other related services currently deployed or to be deployed in the future. Use of all District resources including technology is subject to the appropriate provisions of The Pilot handbook in regard to assault, intimidation and harassment. Users must adhere to all laws and school policies, including without limitation those regarding copyright, trademark, fair usage and plagiarism. District Technology is presented as a means of communication and to access online resources. Users are expected to respect the intended purpose of the technology provided and shall not attempt to manipulate or modify the system.


    ETHS may issue accounts to provide access to resources. The use of the District network is a part of the curriculum and not a public forum for general use. Incidental personal use of District technologies should be minimized.

    Subject to System Administration

    All ETHS account usage is subject to examination or investigation as needed without prior notification or consent of the user. All users of the District network should recognize that mail use, storage capacity or evening/night/weekend access might be limited for technical reasons. Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and to ensure that users including students and staff members are using the system responsibly and according to this policy. Users should not expect that email, data or files stored or transmitted across the District network will be private. Employees should be aware that any digitally recorded information, even that of a personal nature, and/or documented use of the District network may be inspected and could be subject to public disclosure under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. All users of the District network are guaranteed no level of privacy for any digital information stored or passed through the network. The content of any digitally recorded information might be cause for disciplinary or legal proceedings of students, staff, or guests.

    Retention Policy

    The District may retain all digital information, including all email correspondence, indefinitely. This does not guarantee the storage or integrity of all digitally recorded information.

    Digital Citizenship

    Users of District Technology will exhibit good digital citizenship by conducting themselves appropriately and following the 3 R’s as part of the school’s expectations of positive behaviors:


    Respect for Self:

    • I will show respect for myself through my actions. 
    • I will select online names that are appropriate, and I will consider the information and images that I post online. 
    • I will consider what personal information about my life, experiences, experimentation or relationships I post. 
    • I will not be obscene. 
    • I will ensure that the information, images and materials I post online will not put me at risk. 
    • I will report any attacks or inappropriate behavior directed at me. 
    • I will protect passwords, accounts and resources. 


    Respect for Others:

    • I will show respect to others. 
    • I will not use electronic mediums to antagonize, bully, harass or stalk other people. 
    • I will show respect for other people in my choice of websites. 
    • I will not visit sites that are degrading, pornographic, racist or inappropriate. 
    • I will not abuse my rights of access, and I will not enter other people’s private spaces or areas. 
    • I will protect others by reporting abuse, not forwarding inappropriate materials or communications. 
    • I will moderate unacceptable materials and conversations 


    Respect for Community

    • I will request permission to use resources. 
    • I will suitably cite any and all use of websites, books, media, etc. 
    • I will acknowledge all primary sources. I will validate information. 
    • I will use and abide by the fair use rules. 
    • I will use free and open source alternatives rather than pirating software. 
    • I will purchase my music and media, and refrain from distributing these in a manner that violates their licenses. 
    • I will act with integrity. 


    Unacceptable Use

    Users are responsible for their own actions regarding the use of ETHS technology. Unacceptable or inappropriate use can result in loss of access to technology as well as additional disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Unacceptable use includes but is not limited to activities such as the following:

    • Accessing, downloading, distributing, displaying, creating, submitting or posting harmful, indecent, offensive, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate messages, pictures, or materials; 
    • Engaging in harassing, offensive, obscene or defamatory speech; 
    • Threatening, harassing or bullying others; 
    • Using the network for any illegal purpose or activity; 
    • Using District Technology for personal business or financial gain; 
    • Engaging in vandalism such as graffiti, tampering with or damaging the computer workstation, computer network, peripheral equipment or associated furniture, or spreading computer viruses, either intentionally or recklessly; 
    • Invading the privacy of others by the unauthorized disclosure or dissemination of information of a personal nature; 
    • Gaining or attempting to gain unauthorized access to files, resources or entities; 
    • Attempting to harm or destroy, or harming or destroying, District Technology or data of other users on the school network or the Internet; 
    • Attempting to override, bypass, or otherwise change the Internet filtering software or other network configurations; 
    • Posting material authored or created by others without their consent; 
    • Unauthorized downloading of software, loaning technology to others, or violating copyright laws or software licensing agreements; 
    • Using other users’ passwords, misrepresenting themselves, or otherwise engaging in identity theft; 
    • Using District Technology while access privileges are suspended or revoked or before access privileges have been granted; 

    The District may discipline a student whose personal website or other off-site activity involving electronic technology causes, or can reasonably be expected to cause, a substantial disruption of the school environment, without regard to whether that activity or disruption involved use of District-provided technology.

    Consequences of Policy Violation

    Failure to comply with this policy or Authorization for Student Access or any administrative regulations and guidelines governing the use of District technology may result in disciplinary action by staff, administration and/or the Board of Education up to and including expulsion. Activities that violate local, state or federal law may be subject to prosecution. The Superintendent shall establish regulations, guidelines and procedures and shall take appropriate action to implement this policy.