Facility Naming Rights Committee

  • Every five years, the ETHS Facility Naming Rights Committee convenes to review nominations for naming ETHS facilities after people who have served the District and the community. Committee guidelines ensure that the requests are managed equitably and that the highest standards govern these important decisions. If a request is recommended to the Superintendent and approved by the ETHS Board, the naming event will occur the following school year to coincide with landmark ETHS anniversaries.  

    The naming of an ETHS facility after an individual on the basis of merit and service will be based on the following criteria:  

    • Contributions to ETHS and the Evanston/Skokie community
    • Awards/honors bestowed upon the individual
    • Years of service to ETHS and the Evanston/Skokie community
    • Proof that the individual possesses or possessed (if posthumous) the highest degree of character and integrity

    The initial nomination packet should include materials that highlight the specific contributions made to ETHS by the individual, the accomplishments of the individual, the years of service to ETHS, and testimonials that underscore the character and integrity of the individual. Candidates must possess the characteristics that best exemplify ETHS values, goals, and ideals. Any conduct by a nominee or nominator during this process that fails to adhere to these standards may cause a nominee to be removed from consideration.