Upstairs Theatre Specifications

  • Directions

    The ETHS Upstairs Theatre is located at 1600 Dodge Avenue is Evanston, Illinois. The theater is located on the third floor, Arts Wing, and the entrance (Entrance 2) is wheelchair accessible and located near the South Wing elevator.

    House Capacity

    Total 322

    Stage Dimensions

    3/4 thrust stage


    Stage Floor - 1 step up from the audience aisle

    Sound Equipment

    Yamaha LS9

    Projection Equipment

    Portable video projection equipment and screen

    Lighting & Electric

    Lighting Console - ETC Ion

    Dressing Rooms

    One dressing room located Stage Left. No monitor or page system. Dressing room has mirrors with lights, costume closet and dressing table. Toilet facilities located in dressing room; no shower.

    Rehearsal / Performance Rental Space

    Space is available to rent on a limited basis upon advance arrangement, typically after school hours, on weekends, or when school is not in session. Email for rates, reservations and availability.

    Loading Dock

    The loading area for the Upstairs Theatre is on southwest side of high school at the Loading Dock. All arrangements for loading and drop-off must be made in advance.