Principal's Top 5 Things to Know
To help reconnect with each other and make the most of every school day, please review the Back-to-School Information Guide and take a look at Dr. Kinzie’s Top Five Things to Know for the 2024-25 school year.
#wildkitway means you matter to us
You are a Wildkit and you belong at ETHS. You are not alone, you are loved, and we have your back! We want to see you starting each day here at 8:00am ready to build lasting relationships and to work together to make an impact at ETHS. Your daily attendance energizes the halls and classrooms, and helps build a positive atmosphere, where all Wildkits and staff will thrive.
Get involved in the Wildkit community
Each of you belong to ETHS, and there are many ways to get involved. In addition, there are opportunities in theatre and over 40 different varsity and club sports. We encourage you to talk as a family about which options to get involved with.
Remember the 3 Rs
The 3Rs: “Respect for self; respect for others; respect for community”
Show respect, love, and caring to each other
- Talk as a family about how to practice Acknowledge, Care, Tell
Use your voice
We are always working to be responsive to student and family experiences at ETHS. You and your voice are important. Use your voice to share your experiences and provide input so we can better understand our Wildkits and create new ways of being in community with one another.
What are we doing that has supported you?
What are we doing that you think we could improve upon?
Use your voice, even when it shakes.
Use your resources
Take advantage of academic and mental health resources, including our ETHS School Based Health Center, and practice Acknowledge, Care, Tell.
Going to be absent or arrive late? Parents must log into myeths to create an Absence Request.
Going to leave early? Parents can log in to myeths up to 7:00am
- Check grades & attendance weekly (learn how through HAC and myeths)