E-learning days at ETHS

  • What is an e-learning day?

    An e-learning day is an “electronic learning” day that is approved by the Illinois State Board of Education as a day of instruction for students who are not physically present at the school and that is accessible to all students. Students will not report to school, but will work remotely.

    Why have e-learning days?

    E-learning days help reduce or avoid the need to make up days at the end of the school year because of school closures. This also helps preserve instructional time by allowing ETHS to provide students with learning opportunities offsite and the ability to communicate with teachers during days that the school building may be closed.

    E-learning day Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How will it be decided whether an e-learning day will be used?

    The district will determine whether an e-learning day will be used based on specific circumstances (such as severe weather cancellations) and will communicate the decision with students, parents, and staff. Emergency and Severe Weather Notifications are outlined on the website.

    How is attendance taken?

    Teachers will take attendance based on student participation in asynchronous e-Learning activities such as forms, assignments, activities, etc. that are completed on the e-Learning day. 

    Students who are not able to complete work on an e-Learning day should follow normal absence reporting procedures.

    How does a student receive assignments for an e-learning day?

    Students will receive e-learning day assignments that correspond with their block schedule for that day of the week (Wildkit Monday, Orange Day, or Blue Day). Teachers can arrange in advance how assignments will be communicated and completed. For certain assignments, students may complete some steps at home and upload their work when they return to school.

    What will students be expected to do on e-learning days?

    Teachers work to create relevant, meaningful, and manageable assignments for students on e-learning days. Activities will be varied according to the course, subject, skills, and knowledge involved in the lesson.

    Will students be penalized if they do not have internet service or a technology device on an e-learning day?

    No, but they will be responsible for either doing alternative assignments or completing the work requiring technology when they return to school. Students who are unable to complete e-learning day work remotely will have the ability to make up work (within two school days) in accordance with The Pilot student handbook.

    In addition, students may be able to complete some e-learning day work via the Google Classroom Mobile App if their teachers use this platform to provide assignments.

    E-learning day Technical Support

    E-learning day activities can be completed using various forms of technology, such as a computer, smartphone, or other mobile devices.

    What if my student doesn't have access to the internet?

    ETHS has district-issued WiFi hotspots available for student checkout from the ChromeZone (H220). Students also have access to a City of Evanston curated Free Wi-Fi Hotspots mapIf students do not have access to the internet on an e-learning day, they should submit an excused absence per existing school policies. Students will have two days to make up any missed work per The Pilot student handbook.

    How does my student get Chromebook support?

    With the launch of the 1:1 Digital Learning Initiative at ETHS, every current student receives a district-issued Chromebook. For online support with Chromebooks, visit the student homepage at https://sites.google.com/eths202.org/chome/home.

    What if my student doesn't have access to a Chromebook?

    If students do not have access to a Chromebook or other internet-connected device on an e-learning day, they should submit an excused absence as outlined in school guidelines. Students will have two school days to make up any missed work per The Pilot student handbook.