Framework for Hybrid Instruction
Guiding Principles
Hybrid learning is a bridge between all-remote instruction and full in-person instruction.
Knowing that families choose fully remote instruction for a variety of reasons, it is essential that hybrid instruction at ETHS does not penalize or otherwise negatively impact remote-only students.
General Guidance
ETHS is adhering to our hybrid plan which is based on 6' distancing. Every school is different and has different size classrooms and different total enrollments. ETHS will follow its hybrid plan, beginning April 14, 2021, through the remaining weeks of the school year. By implementing our plan for the remaining weeks of the school year, ETHS will be able to learn a great deal more, such as the effectiveness and safety of our mitigation requirements that are implemented. Our learning in April and May will inform future decisions.
Hybrid Instructional Model at ETHS
The default instructional model for hybrid learning at ETHS is remote in-person instruction. This means classroom teachers will provide remote instruction with some students in the classroom.
Students who opt into in-person learning will attend one in-person session for a given course every other week according to a rotating block schedule.
In this framework, students who are remote have the same access to instruction by the teacher and engagement with classmates as students who are in-person.
If a teacher deviates from this model to provide “hands-on experiences” the following requirements apply:
- Frame “hands-on experiences” with students as enrichment.
- All “hands-on experiences” are ungraded.
- Existing safety protocols apply.
- Maintain instructional continuity and synchronous instruction and check-ins during the period for those learning remotely (approximately 75% of students).
- Inform the department chair in advance and demonstrate compliance with the above requirements.
- Personal connection with staff and social interactions with peers.