Hybrid Selection Form Data

  • On March 1, 2021 ETHS announced the transition to hybrid instruction after spring break. A Hybrid Selection Form was distributed to current ETHS guardians via myETHS, to be completed between March 2-5, 2021. Given the logistics required to safely meet all guidelines, students are not able to switch from the remote e-learning option to hybrid in-person after March 5. However, students who choose hybrid in-person have the option to switch back to fully remote at any time. As ETHS indicated, students/guardians who did not respond by the deadline were scheduled to continue their fully remote schedule, as noted in Enhanced E-learning. 

    The table below reflects the demographic data for students who selected "Yes" to hybrid instruction, which begins April 14.

    For reference, the current student population at ETHS is 3,729. The total number of students who selected hybrid instruction as of March 5 was 1,720. 

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