Summer School Lunch
The Evanston Township High School Nutrition Services Department is delighted to offer lunch service to students who attend Summer School. The Summer School menus provide a wide variety of freshly made, student-pleasing food options that are prepared daily at ETHS.
LUNCH OPTIONS: An assortment of lunch choices will be available each day in South Cafeteria. A full-price lunch costs $3.75, a reduced-price lunch costs $.40, and the same options are no cost for students who qualify for free meals. Students may also buy a variety of snack and beverages options during lunch.
SNAP MEAL PAYMENT SYSTEM: ETHS uses a meal payment system called SNAP that enables parents and students to prepay for school meals and à la carte food items. All students attending ETHS Summer School are issued a Summer School ID on the first day of class. Summer School IDs are automatically linked to a SNAP/Meal account. Students may use either their physical ID card or their virtual “myID” on a mobile device to pay for their school meals. Funds must be added to SNAP accounts for students with full price or reduced price meal plans. SNAP account information is secure and confidential.
PLEASE CONSIDER LOADING MONEY TO YOUR STUDENT’S SNAP account before May 28. This will help expedite lunch lines on the first day of Summer School, and provide students with more time to eat. Parents/guardians who know their student’s ID number (ETHS student ID# or D65 student ID#) can load money to their student’s SNAP account online using a credit/debit card at Students may also submit check or credit card payments to any cafeteria cashiers during meal periods. Please write your student's ID number on all checks.
NOTE: All 8th grade students who qualified for free/reduced price meal plans in District 65 during the 2024-25 school year automatically qualify for free/reduced price meal plans during 2025 ETHS Summer School. Your student’s SNAP account is already active at ETHS, and NO FURTHER ACTION IS NEEDED. If you did not complete an application this school year, you can still complete the Financial Assistance Form to apply for free/reduced price lunch during summer school.
Additionally, all ETHS students who qualified for free/reduced price meals during the 2024-25 school year will maintain their free/reduced price meal plan during 2025 Summer School. ETHS students must use their Summer School ID – not their regular student ID.
Please remember that each household must reapply for the Household Incentive Program for the 2025-26 school year. Detailed information on how to apply for the household incentive program will be emailed to ETHS households in mid July.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the SNAP account the same as D65? The SNAP meal payment system is very similar to the one used in District 65 schools. At ETHS, the SNAP account is linked to an ID card that can be swiped in the cafeteria line.
What if my student loses their ID card? If an ID card is lost or stolen, it should be reported immediately to the Summer School ID Center and the ETHS Nutrition Services office. The ID card's barcode will be deactivated to prevent someone else from using it. A new bar code will be established for the student's account when the student receives a replacement ID card from the ID Center.
What happens when the SNAP account "zeros" out? The cafeteria cashier will notify students when their SNAP account balance is $5.00 or less. The student can inform their parent/guardian so that additional funds may be added. Parents may also check balances online through myETHS. If for some reason money is not added, the student will be able to charge a maximum of $3.75 (the cost of one full combo meal) in food purchases before new funds are added. This will allow the student to not miss a meal. The amount owed will be deducted from future payments. Negative balances should be paid immediately. Unpaid negative balances become fee obligations. ETHS families may access student account information at any time through myETHS to view current charges and any unpaid balances.
Will refunds be made? Cash refunds will not be made to students. Refunds of $5.00 or more of unused funds will be made by check to parents/guardians upon written request. Balances will carry over from one school year to the next.
QUESTIONS? Please direct any questions to the ETHS Nutrition Services Department at 847-424-7225 or For more information, visit the Nutrition Services Payment Options web page.