Continuum of Special Education Services
The Special Education Department at Evanston Township High School offers a continuum of placements where students with disabilities are educated with students without disabilities, to the greatest extent appropriate. A student’s educational placement is determined by an IEP team.
The Placement Continuum
General Education
Public Day
Private Day
For additional information on Least Restrictive Environment and The Placement Continuum, please visit
District 202 & District 65 Joint Agreement - Park School
Park School is a self-contained, special education school that is jointly funded and operated by Evanston Township High School District 202 and Evanston/Skokie School District 65. Students who attend Park School require a separate public day school environment to best meet their individual needs. Park School primarily serves students from ages 3 to 22 years with low incidence disabilities, including (but not limited to) intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, physical impairment, deaf/hard of hearing, visual impairment, and autism. All placement decisions for Park School are made by an IEP Team.
Private and Residential Placements
Students who require intensive supports, interventions and related services that exceed the resources of the ETHS general school setting, may be considered for private or residential placements. All placement decisions for private or residential placements are made by an IEP Team.