Health Requirements for Grades 9-12

  • Illinois state law requires that all students have a complete physical examination performed by a licensed health care provider (MD, DO, APN, or PA) and show evidence of the immunizations outlined below before entering high school. Evanston Township High School District 202 has a policy of first day exclusion. Students who do not have a current physical exam and immunization records on file will be excluded from school until such requirement is met. 

    1. A PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Students entering grade 9 must submit a physical examination dated within 12 months of the first day of school. Transfer students in grades 10-12 must submit a physical examination dated within one (1) year of starting school or provide a copy of previous high school exam. If the previous high school exam was within the state of Illinois, it will be accepted from any high school year. If the exam was done outside the state of Illinois, it must have been done within one (1) year of enrollment at ETHS. Any student attending summer school at ETHS must have their physical examination completed and turned in to the Nurses' Office before the start of summer school.

    2. IMMUNIZATIONS: The following immunizations must be verified by the student's health care provider in writing and turned in prior to the first day of school:

    1. Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis Tdap One dose of Tdap regardless of the interval since the last DTaP, DT or Td dose.

    2. POLIO. Three doses of either OPV or IPV given at least 4 weeks (28 days) apart with the last dose on or after the 4th birthday. If a combination of OPV and IPV was given there must be a total of 4 vaccines.

    3. MEASLES. Immunization or a health care provider’s verification of having had the disease with antibody titer. A child is considered immune to measles only if live measles virus vaccine was given after l2 months of age with a second dose no less than 28 days later.

    4. RUBELLA. The only acceptable proof of immunity for rubella is evidence of vaccine on or after 12 months of age with a second dose no less than 28 days later or laboratory evidence of rubella immunity.

    5. MUMPS. The live mumps vaccine given after l2 months of age with a second dose no less than 28 days later or proof of prior mumps disease verified with date of illness signed by a physician or laboratory evidence of mumps immunity.

    6. HEPATITIS B 1ST and 2ND doses must be no less than 28 days apart, 2nd and 3rd dose must be at least 8 weeks apart and the 1st and 3rd doses must be spaced at least 16 weeks apart.

    7. VARICELLA (Chickenpox). Immunization must be given after 12 months of age with a second dose no less than 28 days later. History of varicella disease is acceptable if verified by a health care provider, school health professional, or health official.

    8. MENINGITIS (MCV4). Any child entering 9th, 10th or 12th grade shall show proof of having received meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). The first dose on or after the 11th birthday for 9th graders and the second dose on or after age 16 for 12th graders. Doses must be at least 8 weeks apart. If the first dose was administered when the child was 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required. Please be aware that the Meningoccol B vaccine will not fulfill this requirement. 

    IF DOCUMENTATION (dates by month, day and year for each dose) CANNOT BE OBTAINED to properly assess the immunization status of the student, the student is considered inadequately protected. In such cases, the student should be re-immunized, with proof of a minimum of 1 Tdap vaccine, 3 Polio vaccines, 2 vaccines of MEASLES, MUMPS and RUBELLA (MMR) and 3 doses of Hepatitis B. Students entering 9, 10 or 12 grades will need 1 or 2 doses of MENINGOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE (MCV4). The student can register after showing proof of immunization for one updated dose of Tdap, Polio, MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis B and, for 9th and 12th graders MCV4.

    The original Illinois Certificate of Child Health Examination Form (available for download on this page) must be on file with the ETHS Health Services Department located in the Nurses' Office before your child can start school. Keep a copy of this form for your records. Forms may be dropped off to the Nurses' Office, Room N121 during the hours listed on this page. Forms may also be dropped off at either Entrance #1 or Entrance #2 (please use a sealed envelope marked "Health Services"). If you have any questions, the school nurses can be reached at 847-424-7260.
    If a religious exemption is requested for these requirements, the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education requires that an Illinois Certificate of Religious Exemption Form (available for download on this page) be completed by a parent/guardian and signed by your child's healthcare provider. The original form must be on file with the ETHS Health Services Department located in the Nurses' Office before your child can start school. Keep a copy of this form for your records. Forms may be dropped off to the Nurses' Office, Room N121 during the hours listed on this page. Forms may also be dropped off at either Entrance #1 or Entrance #2 (please use a sealed envelope marked "Health Services"). If you have any questions, the school nurses can be reached at 847-424-7260. If you have any further questions regarding this law, please contact the Student Services Department at 847-424-7575. 
    The school-based ETHS Health Center (Room H100) can provide physical exams for incoming freshmen and current students at low to no cost. Free or low cost immunizations are available to students meeting certain criteria. To schedule an appointment, please call 847-424-7265. Parents/guardians can also choose to schedule their child’s physical exam and immunizations with their family health care provider.
    Additional Required Health Documents
    Asthma Action Plan (AAP) - The Illinois School Code 105 ILCS 5/22-30 requires Evanston Township High School to request an Asthma Action Plan (AAP) from parents/guardians of students with asthma each school year. Follow the guidance on this webpage.
    Medication Authorization Form - To gain authorization for use of prescription medication during the school day, submit the Medication Authorization Form (available for download on this page) along with the prescription medication in its original container from the pharmacy to the school nurse.