Medication Guidelines
Administering Medications During the School Day
Parents have the primary responsibility for administering their child's medication and it should be given at home whenever possible by the parent or guardian. If it is necessary for a student to take medication during school hours or at school-related activities in order to assume full participation in the school program, the student’s parent or legal guardian must provide a completed, signed, and dated Medication Authorization Form providing for the administration of medication to the student during regular school hours.
A Medication Authorization Form must be on file in the Nurses' Office (Health Services, N121) for all routine prescription medications as well as those prescribed to students for illness or temporary conditions. No school district employee is allowed to administer or supervise self administration of any student's prescription or non-prescription medication until a completed and signed Medication Authorization Form is on file in the Nurses' Office. This form must be updated each school year or whenever a change is made in the medication or the administration.
Medication Guidelines
View a complete list of Medication Guidelines here.Epi-Pen® and Asthma Inhalers
Students may possess an epinephrine auto-injector (Epi-Pen®) and/or an asthma inhaler prescribed for immediate use at their discretion, provided there is a completed Medication Authorization Form on file in the Nurses' Office. A medical provider’s order is needed for students to carry and self-administer their own epinephrine auto-injector. A parent or guardian signature and copy of the prescription label is required for students to carry and self-administer an emergency asthma inhaler.
Over-the-Counter Medications
ETHS students are allowed to carry and self-administer over-the-counter medications commonly taken for an occasional headache or other minor ailments provided it is in the original container, the student's parent/guardian is aware, and the student does not share the medications with other students. Students found to be dispensing any medication to other students will be subject to disciplinary action.
Medication Authorization Form
Medication Authorization Form
To gain authorization for a new medication or change in medication, submit the Medication Authorization Form along with the prescription medication in its original container from the pharmacy to the school nurse at the beginning of the school day. This can also be done prior to the start of the school year for routine medications. Download this form and have it completed, signed and dated by the health care provider who prescribed the medication.