Text Messaging FAQs

  • Text Messaging Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


    How do I “Opt-In” to receive text messages from ETHS?


    Students and Parent/Guardians: Check your contact information in Home Access Center (HAC). (Please note that ONLY Student and Guardian contact information can receive text messages.) To update contact information, follow the steps listed on this page: www.eths.k12.il.us/Page/1121.

    Staff: Check your contact information in the “Phone Number” and the “Personal Cell Phone” fields in Employee Access Center (EAC).

    Students, parents, and staff can also verify contact information by downloading the SchoolMessenger mobile app and setting up a mobile app account with their verified email address (from HAC or EAC).

    2. TEXT “Y” to 67587 from each wireless device you wish to receive texts on. Note: It may take 24 hours or more for numbers to be updated from the district database.


    How do I opt-out of receiving text messages?

    Recipients not wishing to receive text messages to a particular number can simply do any one of the following:

    • Don’t opt-in and don’t reply to the opt-in invitation message.
    • Text “STOP” to 67587 at any time.

    Opt out online at http://schoolmessenger.com/txtmsg  


    Can the text messages come from a district phone number, instead of the short code?

    No. Shortcodes are the industry standard, and the only fast and reliable way to deliver mass text notifications.


    I received a text message that says it’s from SchoolMessenger? What does it mean?

    If it was from 67587, that was most likely the Opt-In Invitation message sent by SchoolMessenger. To continue receiving informational text messages from the school(s) reply with “Y”. If you do not reply, you won’t receive any future texts from our district.


    I “Opted-In”, but I’m not receiving texts?

    Ensure that ETHS has your correct device number in Home Access Center (students and parents) and Employee Access Center (staff).

    It may take 24 hours for a number to become active, after being changed or added to the district’s system. Send a text with “Y”, from that specific device to 67587. You should receive an opt-in confirmation message from the service.


    How do I know if it worked?

    After you text one of the key words to the short code the system will ALWAYS respond back with one of three messages:

    • Opt-in Response: You're registered 4 SchoolMessenger notifications. Reply STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Msg&data rates may apply. msg freq varies. schoolmessenger.com/txt
    • Opt-out Response: You're unsubscribed from SchoolMessenger. No more msgs will be sent. Reply Y to resubscribe, HELP for help. Msg&data rates may apply.  schoolmessenger.com/txt Help or Unknown Key Word Response: SchoolMessenger notification service: Reply Y to subscribe or STOP to cancel. Msg&data rates may apply. Msg freq varies. Visit schoolmessenger.com/txt for info
    • Any other response – or no response: indicates the recipient should contact their wireless device provider to have SMS messaging/premium content enabled (see below for more details).


    What does it mean if I texted “Y” or “yes” and I received some sort of error message back?

    If you receive what appears to be an error message, similar to one of the following, it most likely means that short code text messaging is not enabled on your wireless subscription plan:

    • Service access denied
    • Message failed
    • Shortcode may have expired or shortcode texting may be blocked on your account
    • Does not participate

    These replies DO NOT indicate that the wireless provider can’t receive messages from SchoolMessenger. Rather, they are an indication that the specific mobile device does not have shortcode SMS texting enabled for that number (this is sometimes disabled by default on company provided cell phones). To address this, contact your wireless provider.

    NOTE: Providers sometimes use various names for this type of texting service (e.g. shortcode, SMS, premium, etc.). If you simply ask about text messaging, your carrier may assume you are referring to person-to-person. Therefore, be very clear to refer to “short code” text messages. Most TV programs which have a voting component use shortcode SMS messaging (e.g. American Idol, Dancing with the Stars). Using an example such as this can be helpful in clarifying the type of texting service you want to enable.


    Will I be charged for the text messages that I receive from SchoolMessenger?

    SchoolMessenger does not charge recipients for the text messages that they receive or send to the short code; however, wireless providers may charge for individual text messages, depending on the plan associated with the wireless device. Please consult your carrier if you are uncertain.