Reporting Illness or Absences
Student absences:
- Parents/guardians will follow these steps for calling in student absences at (847) 424-7800 in English or Spanish (
- Students should remain home if they are ill or have any of the below symptoms, and parents/guardians will call in their absence
- The following symptoms require absence from in-person classes: active vomiting or diarrhea, fever/chills/generalized body aches, undiagnosed, new, and/or untreated rash or skin condition (i.e. generalized hives, wound with green/yellowish drainage, etc.), doctor's note requiring an individualized plan of care to stay home, any COVID-19 symptoms, if diagnosed with COVID-19, with or without symptoms.
Students who need to leave ETHS early:
- Parents/guardians will call in the student’s leave early absence by 10pm the day before
NOTE: Students will not be allowed to re-enter ETHS after having left early, and are expected to engage in e-learning as soon as possible that same day. See Isolation Room information for more details.
Students who have been exposed to COVID-19 or have tested positive for COVID-19:
- ETHS parents/guardians will report if their student has been exposed to COVID-19 or if their student has tested positive for COVID-19. If student has been exposed to COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19:
- Keep your student home for 14 days or longer, if medical providers recommend it longer. Students will have access to remote learning. ETHS requires medical clearance to return to in-person classes.
- Call the attendance office to report an absence at (847) 424-7800 in English or Spanish. The attendance office will let the health services office, who will then reach out.
- Follow up with a medical provider.
- Parent/guardian to call IDPH Hotline (1-800-889-3931) or Evanston Health Department at 847-448-4311 or 311 for guidance regarding presenting symptoms if testing for COVID-19 is warranted.
- Please see the Confirmed COVID-19 Procedures for more information.
As an additional resource, the Illinois Department of Public Health provides COVID-19 Interim Exclusion Guidance.