Freshmen & Sophomores


    Check your Honest Game report to see if you're on track for college sports!

    • See College Bound Student-Athlete Advisor with questions.
    • You are a student-athlete. Grades from every year count equally and can ruin your chances of playing college sports.
    • The NCAA has changed academic requirements.
      • An NCAA CORE GPA under 2.3 can make you ineligible to play. NOTE: Your GPA is tracked starting freshman year.
        • Your CORE GPA does NOT include PE, art, music or other non-qualifying classes. 
        • Your CORE GPA includes specific approved English, Math, Science, Social Science, Language, Religion and Philosophy classes - NOT all core subject area classes are approved. Look for the "N" in your course guide or see NCAA Core Course List
      • A high CORE GPA will make you more desirable to college coaches and admissions offices.
      • SAT/ACT has been waived for eligibility, but can still be relevant for admissions and financial aid.

    Check your  Honest Game report for your eligibility status on strategies to gain eligibility! Log in using Google SSO.




    • Determine your reasons for pursuing college athletics
    • Realistically determine what level you can play, or what is needed to reach the desired athletic level
      • Talk to your coaches and parents/guardians
      • Train, practice, and compete. Summers are especially productive in making local, regional and national connections, as well as building skills
      • Review the 5 Levels of College Athletics
    • Talk with your counselor and the College Bound Student Athlete Advisor about your goals
    • Create an athletic resume and update it every year - keep newspaper clippings, score sheets, tournament programs 
    • You can start reaching out to coaches at anytime by filling out online questionnaires, emailing, calling, visiting college campuses, attending college camps.
    • Know how to maintain amateur status (NCAA Guide)