Freshmen & Sophomores
Check your Honest Game report to see if you're on track for college sports!
- See College Bound Student-Athlete Advisor with questions.
- You are a student-athlete. Grades from every year count equally and can ruin your chances of playing college sports.
The NCAA has changed academic requirements.
- An NCAA CORE GPA under 2.3 can make you ineligible to play. NOTE: Your GPA is tracked starting freshman year.
- Your CORE GPA does NOT include PE, art, music or other non-qualifying classes.
- Your CORE GPA includes specific approved English, Math, Science, Social Science, Language, Religion and Philosophy classes - NOT all core subject area classes are approved. Look for the "N" in your course guide or see NCAA Core Course List
- A high CORE GPA will make you more desirable to college coaches and admissions offices.
- SAT/ACT has been waived for eligibility, but can still be relevant for admissions and financial aid.
- An NCAA CORE GPA under 2.3 can make you ineligible to play. NOTE: Your GPA is tracked starting freshman year.
Check your Honest Game report for your eligibility status on strategies to gain eligibility! Log in using Google SSO.
- Determine your reasons for pursuing college athletics
Realistically determine what level you can play, or what is needed to reach the desired athletic level
- Talk to your coaches and parents/guardians
- Train, practice, and compete. Summers are especially productive in making local, regional and national connections, as well as building skills
- Review the 5 Levels of College Athletics
- Talk with your counselor and the College Bound Student Athlete Advisor about your goals
- Create an athletic resume and update it every year - keep newspaper clippings, score sheets, tournament programs
- You can start reaching out to coaches at anytime by filling out online questionnaires, emailing, calling, visiting college campuses, attending college camps.
- Know how to maintain amateur status (NCAA Guide)