Financial Aid Information for College & Career

  • The Counseling, College & Career teams support students seeking financial aid for college or career programs.  Students, parents/guardians are encouraged to attend our Introduction to Financial Aid Night held every fall.  Additionally, seniors should attend their counseling lessons to obtain more information about how to apply for financial aid and scholarships.  

    One way to obtain financial aid assistance is to apply to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  Illinois requires all public high school seniors to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or, if applicable*, the Alternate Application for Illinois Financial Aid as a graduation requirement (Illinois School Code 105 ILCS 5/22-87, Sec. 22-87).  

    FAFSA Graduation Compliance  

    Submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) -OR-

    Submit the Alternate Application for Illinois Financial Aid, if applicable *  
    *The Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid allows qualifying undocumented students and some transgender students who are not eligible for federal financial aid to apply for state financial aid. 

    Opt Out. A parent/guardian may choose to opt a child out of this graduation requirement. 

    To opt out, fill out the official online FAFSA Non-participation form from ISAC. 

    Students who are at least 18 years of age or legally emancipated may complete the opt out process themselves. Comment end  

    Please contact ETHS College & Career Services for additional support and assistance