College Entrance Exams (ACT, SAT)

  • Beginning in April 2025, the state-administered assessment for grade 11 students will be the ACT, which will be digital.

    More information can be found on this ACT FAQ web page, which was developed by the Illinois State Board of Education. 

    Accommodations information:  Students with an approved IEP, 504, or EL Accommodations Plan will receive the testing accommodations stated on their plan.

    How to Access Your SAT/PSAT Scores

    Instructions for creating a College Board account: Create a College Board Account

    Accessing SAT/PSAT Scores: Instructions for Accessing SAT/PSAT Scores

    While the courses students take and the grades students receive are generally the most important criteria for college admission, the test results of the ACT® (administered by ACT, Inc.) or the SAT (administered by College Board) are also considered. Refer to the admission guidelines for each college or university for details.

    ETHS is a testing center for the ACT and SAT, and both tests are offered on certain Saturdays throughout the year. This schedule allows students to repeat either or both tests in their junior or senior year, if necessary.

    View the Testing & Exams calendar for a complete list of college entrance exam test dates.
