Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
Advanced Placement (AP) courses offer college-level curriculum to high school students. ETHS offers AP courses that are connected directly to a wide variety of college majors and careers. Most colleges and universities in the U.S. offer college credit, placement out of introductory courses, or both, for qualifying AP exam scores. Illinois law requires public colleges and universities in Illinois to grant college course credit for AP exams with a score of 3 or higher.
Every student is expected to take the AP exam in May. Taking AP is a sign that a student has chosen the most rigorous classes ETHS has to offer. AP exams are given at ETHS over a two-week period in May. ETHS students who complete an AP course receive a 1.0 point increase to their grade.
Beginning in May 2025, 16 AP exams will be fully digital. That means both the multiple-choice and free-response sections will be taken with Chromebooks at ETHS. This includes the following exams:
African American Studies
Art History
Computer Science A
Computer Science Principles
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
US Government and Politics
US History
12 AP exams will be hybrid digital. That means the multiple-choice questions will be taken with Chromebooks at ETHS and the free-response answers will be handwritten in paper exam booklets. The hybrid digital exams include:
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Physics 1
Physics 2
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics C: Mechanics
AP exams with audio components and exams that are portfolio assessments will remain unchanged, including:
2-D Art and Design
3-D Art and Design
French Language and Culture
German Language and Culture
Music Theory
Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture
AP Course Fee & Fee Payment
The fee associated with each AP course includes proprietary online resources from the College Board and exam registration. The course fee is $99 per course or $15 per course if you qualify for Financial Assistance. Students who are enrolled in an AP course at ETHS will be automatically registered to take the related AP exam offered by College Board. AP exam fees are part of the student account.
All students are required to join their teacher’s AP Classroom before November 15. College Board will only provide exams for students who have joined their teacher’s AP Classroom. If students join after November 15, College Board will automatically charge an extra $45. The late fee is in addition to the $99 exam fee.
To make a payment online, visit the ETHS Webstore and choose Student Fees & Obligations. To make a payment in person using cash, credit/debit card, certified check, or money order, visit the Student Accounts Office (H110) during regular school hours.
AP Exam Registration & Fee Payment – Exam Only Option
Students who want to take an AP exam for a course they are either not enrolled in or that is not offered at ETHS (i.e. Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, etc.) can register and pay to take the exam by completing the following steps by November 1, 2024.
- Fill out the AP Exam Registration Form. Students can access this form by contacting the ETHS Testing Coordinator.
- After completing the AP Exam Registration Form, the Student Accounts office will bill the student's account for each AP exam fee.
- AP Exam Registration forms must be completed by November 1, 2024 in order to finalize the registration and secure an AP exam order.
AP Course Fee Assistance
Students with financial need should check with the ETHS Testing Coordinator in room N110 to learn more about eligibility requirements for College Board fee reductions, state and district subsidies, and other support that may be available.
AP Course Fee Refunds
Students who drop an AP class on or before January 17, 2025, will receive a full refund for the AP course. No refunds will be made for courses dropped after January 17, 2025, or for failure to take an AP exam.
Alternative Late Testing
College Board has very specific guidelines for late testing. Students are required to submit written requests for late testing to the ETHS Testing Coordinator by noon on May 16, 2025. Students will receive notification from the Testing Coordinator regarding the status of late testing requests. Alternate exams for late testing will only be ordered with prior written notification and approval of the Testing Coordinator and will be given after the regular AP exam schedule ends.
Depending upon the reason for late testing, the College Board may assess a $40 late testing fee. Students’ scores may be delayed up to one month (until August) due to late testing.
AP Exam Resources
AP Exam Late-Testing Schedule
The Late-Testing Schedule is determined by the College Board.
AP Credit Policy - CollegeBoard Search
The College Board provides a search tool to find colleges and universities that offer credit or placement for AP scores.
Office Hours
Regular Summer Monday-Thursday 8:00am-4:30pm Closed
Friday 8:00am-4:00pm Closed