Semester Exams/Experiences
Semester 1 exams/experiences are scheduled for the week of December 16. Our goal is to ensure that all students are fully supported and ready for these assessments, which reflect learning throughout both quarters in a semester and support college and career preparation.
Plan ahead:
Plan for the what-ifs, such as unexpected illness on a designated exam day, as you review the semester exams/experiences schedule:
Do NOT leave town prior to the afternoon of December 20, as you will not be allowed to make up the exams and will receive a zero, which counts for 10% of the semester grade. Grades are due at 4:00pm on December 20.
Students who are absent due to a medically documented circumstance must receive approval from the Assistant Superintendent/Principal to make up their exams during the designated make-up exam times, or they will earn a zero for the exam. Students must submit this form with medical documentation.
Semester Exam Information and Requirements
All students must be in attendance for their scheduled exams/experiences.
- Students should bring their fully-charged Chromebook, pens and/or well-sharpened pencils and a calculator, if permitted.
Exams/experiences are scheduled to be one hour and thirty minutes in length and will take place during the time listed on the semester exam/experiences schedule.
Semester exams/experiences count for 10% of a student’s final semester grade and must be taken on the dates designated by the district.
Students can only take make-up exams if they have a medically-documented illness and receive approval from the Assistant Superintendent/Principal via the Make-up Semester Exam Request Form and medical documentation. All make-up exams must be completed in-person, no later than Friday morning, December 20, 2024, after which semester grades are submitted.
Students will not be permitted to miss an exam due to travel plans, family events, or other non-medical reasons. If a student misses an exam due to a non-medical reason, they will not be able to make it up and will receive a zero for that exam.
Students will not be permitted to take semester exams early or to schedule them before their designated date and time.
All "late work/past due work” must be submitted no later than 12/13/24, as permitted.
Final semester grades must be submitted by teachers by Friday, December 20, 2024, and there will be no exceptions to this deadline.
To ensure the best possible environment:
Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom while exams are being administered. Students are to remain in the classroom for the full 90-minute exam block. Therefore, students are encouraged to bring other school study materials and books in the event they finish an exam early.
Silence must be maintained in the classrooms and in the hallways at all times during the week of semester exams/experiences. Classroom interruptions and students in the hallway make it very difficult to maintain a positive testing environment.
All school policies will remain in effect and be enforced during exam week, including dress code and use of phones or other electronic devices.
Students must either go home or go to a designated study space (ASC, East Library, Central Library or STC) during passing periods and remain there for the entire block IF they have an unscheduled block, FASH, SASH, Reading, Geometry with Support or AVID.
Additional Resources and Guidance
To help support and ensure student success for semester exams/experiences, students and families can take the following steps:
- Semester Exam/Experiences Digital Student Schedule 1st semester 2024-25 for students to make a copy and individualize their own semester exam schedule. Paper copies will be provided to all students and extras will be available in varied offices, including E121/Principal’s Office.
- Supporting Success: Study & Stress Management Strategies for Students and Families
- Use our Academic Resources, including AM Support at 8:00am every day, where students can get help from their teachers.
- Review Home Access Center (HAC) and Google Classroom together each week to make sure their assignments are up-to-date and identify any areas where they may need support.
- Use our social emotional supports, Rebel Human (login with your email), and the ETHS Virtual Calming Room to help your student manage stress and support their overall wellbeing.
- ETHS Mental Health Providers will be available as needed in W121, E125 & N125 the week of semester exams.
- Quiet stress management activities: during unscheduled blocks in the HUB.
- Quiet study spaces during exam blocks (arrive during passing periods): ASC (E212), STC (S220), East Library, or Central Library.
- No movement in halls during blocks will be permitted.
- Accommodations for 504s, IEPs and EM status will be provided according to each student’s IEP, 504 or EM status. IEP and EM case managers will work directly with their students to access their accommodations. 504 case managers will be available to provide support to their students and answer questions as needed.
- Updated videos/slides and a grade calculator are available on the grading calculation web page, and are being shared in FASH & SASH.
Assistant Superintendent/PrincipalTaya KinzieAdministrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent/PrincipalEbony Redmond